Take action…be in motion

February 28, 2023

I got this graphic in one of the daily inspirational emails that I get…

It reminded me of one of the laws of physics which states that bodies in motion tend to stay in motion and bodies at rest tend to stay at rest. If all you do is to dream about a different future for yourself, you will tend to stay at rest. Successful people who fulfil their dreams tend be be those who take action and are in motion – doing things rather than just thinking about things.

The fear of failure is what most often what keeps people trapped in their dreams, instead of achieving them. Successful people will tell you that being in motion, doing something is key, even if that something leads to a failure; for out of our failures we learn and we adjust. Thomas Edison is famous for his quotes on how many times he failed before he achieved some of his greatest successes and realized his dreams. So, being in motion is important, even, if you are moving towards a failure.

Do not let yourself get stuck in your dreams. Go out and take actions to achieve them. Be in motion and you’ll always be learning and achieving. Take the actions to make your dreams your reality.

Be in motion.

Be what you were…

February 21, 2023

That tag line is from an ad for an application called Bend that appears to offer instructions for stretching and exercising that is aimed at restoring some of the flexibility and range of motion that older adults may have lost. I’m no0t sure that I agree with the thought of be what you were. It is a nice thought but one that holds out false hope of rolling back time. None of us can do that, but we can decide to be the best that we can be right now, without worrying about trying to recapture what we were.

As an older adult I am concerned about things like my balance and flexibility; things that I just took for granted earlier in life. I have accepted that I have reached an age where others may view me as being “elderly”, even though I don’t feel elderly. The word “elderly” carries with it a lot of negative baggage. It seems like elderly people are thought to be frail and perhaps in poor health. I suppose that it would be hard to be in perfect health at my age (79 this year); however, I’m not in poor health.

I may download that app to see what advice is has; not that I expect to be what I was, but maybe I can be a little better as I am. What about you? Do you dream of being what you were or do you just try to be the best that you can be now?

So, start already…

February 16, 2023

Procrastination is the biggest roadblock to success if not to greatness. Pausing to think before acting may be OK, if that pause is limited and temporary. That pause needs to be focused upon the positives and not the negatives that one can see in the actions ahead. So, start already…

One does not have to have all the answers and solutions to possible scenarios in order to get started. The real key is having confidence in one’s decision making when the unexpected things pop up along the way. I most often pray not so much for a specific positive outcome but for God’s help in making good decisions on things that crop up in the future. Try it. Maybe it will help get you off the starting line. So, start already…